SHOW ME THE SPONSORSHIP MONEY!     If you had the chance to visit last month’s Atlantic City, or York racing shows…you had to notice all of the logos adorning virtually every vehicle from the most popular sprinter to the youngster’s go-cart. Most have already paid big bucks to have their names on the various cars, track facilities and events for the upcoming season…but there are still more out there. Driver’s and teams should not be ashamed to ask for the green go-juice (cash) from everybody they can think of. This is how teams make it to the end of the season…and it is a great way for a business to promote their company and gain the most loyal of customers…race fans. Face it, why do corporations and little sole proprietorships invest their hard earned dollars in racing? Some may just love the sport and want to help out a fledgling team, but usually it is to gain popularity, exposure, and eventually turn it into more working capitol. Look at all the hubbub going on in the Nextel Cup right now with the buy- out of Cingular going back to AT&T…Burton and Childress want it on their car for Daytona, but Nextel has already promised over 700 million dollars to the sport, and does not want the competition to have their logo racing at their events. Sprint, and Alltel we already there when the transfer from Winston to Nextel took place…but AT&T left….maybe they should sponsor the Busch division next year…hmmmm.
    Speaking of the shows, the Dirt Trackin’ show for 2007 was the best ever in attendance, vendors, and cars. The fans loved the same low price for admission with free parking, and all the added events for no extra charge charge, especially for the family. The WHP CBS-21TV Ms.Dirt Trackin’ contest was held on Friday night when Alyssa Sharmin was crowned the new queen, and was followed by a live Jazz Me Band performance. Saturday included a drivers arm wrestling tournament won by Jesse Morrison, Aaron Long, and Jason Morrison in their respective divisions, followed by the ever popular PWE wrestlers in the evening. Sunday included an early morning worship service hosted by RFC pastor Dan Laterza with singing by Hearts in Harmony, and a free remote controlled car tournament for the kids in conjunction with Fast Action Motorsports Entertainment in the afternoon. The event ended with the presentation of the Jack Giambalvo Motor Company best in show awards, and various raffle winners being announced. Bowhunters Superstore, A&G Custom Sprints, the Hooters Girls of York, the PA Racing Lawnmowers Association, ands Wise Motorsport Marketing all contributed to help raise nearly $2000 for the York County Racing Club’s injured driver’s fund. Over 200 beautifully prepared racing vehicles, 150 vendors, the Reading Fairground Museum, and even a NASCAR stretch limo all added to the huge show. The 25th edition has already been planned for the York Fairgrounds on January 25, 26, and 27 in the year 2008. Check out the Dirt Trackin 2007 Photos.
    I got my first whiff of racing alcohol burning when the cars fired up their engines at the show…and I can hardly wait for more. Lincoln will kick off the season with the Ice breaker 30 at 2PM for the Super Sprints paying $3500 to win on February 24th…bbbbrrrrr.Next time I see you…I hope it’s at the track!
Kirk Wise – the “Wise Guy”
Checkl out our new website for daily show times, radio affiliates and recorded broadcasts at www.wisemotorsport    ÂÂ